Prof. PhDr. Petr Sommer, CSc., DSc. (1949-2023)

In 1968 he was admitted to the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague, majoring in prehistory - history. He successfully completed his studies in 1973 by defending his diploma thesis in the field of archaeology of the Middle Ages. In 1977, he defended his dissertation at the Faculty of Arts in Prague, and in 1983, the same year, his candidate's dissertation, both on monastic architecture and related archaeological sources. In 2001, habilitation at the Faculty of Arts in Prague based on a thesis on the spiritual culture of early medieval Bohemia. In 2006 professorship at Charles University, in 2007 appointed professor at Charles University in the field of art history. In 2008, he was awarded the DSc. degree (awarded on 12 February 2009 by the Scientific Council of the CAS). In 2017, he was awarded the national government prize Česká hlava.